Not As Good As A Sharp Stick In The Eye

Andrew O’Hehir, in yet another article which dismisses the possibility of a Bernie Presidency, wrote: “As Sanders’ most ‘roid-raged and testosterone-fueled supporters will ultimately admit, Hillary Clinton is vastly preferable as president to any possible Republican, semi-lovable Rust Belt New Ager John Kasich included.” O’Hehir Article I have never taken steroids. And, since I am […]

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The Kochs Told Me Global Warming is a Hoax

I recently stumbled across a website called BREAKING ALL THE RULES . It was immediately apparent that it was stridently Libertarian, but the writing was pretty good so I signed up for their weekly newsletter. The first issue was interesting until I got to the part about their being climate change deniers, and, since I consider […]

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You Don’t Need No Education

If you read the news at all, you’re aware of the tremendous push for the total dismantling of public education in America.  Unions have been on the endangered species list ever since Reagan ousted the PATCO workers, so the recent attacks on Teachers‘ Unions were predictable, even inevitable, and a totally necessary step for industrialists […]

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But They Can’t Afford to Create Jobs . . .

1)      Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009.  Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings. 2)      Bank of America received a $1.9 billion tax refund from the IRS last year, although it made […]

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Social Nitwitting

About a half an hour ago I canceled my Google+ account.  I used to be on Facebook too, for about a half an hour, until I realized that almost all the people I had “friended”, people with whom I had common interests and shared passions (when I still had passion), were people I did not […]

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Smart New Boss, Same as the Old Dumb Boss

There’s really not much difference between Obama and Bush, policywise.  Barack, unlike his predecessor, can put cogent sentences together without help from a scriptwriter (or a Special Ed teacher), which is nice, and he’s got a lovely family, but aside from his personal charm there is little difference between his style of violent, middle-class colon […]

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It’s A Wonder We Can Even Feed Ourselves

August 14, 2011 I was in a foul mood the other day (believe it or not), so to alleviate my grumpiness I donned sneakers and workout gear and went straight to Wendy’s. Yeah, I know, I know, the “slow death of fast food” and all that, but I’d been on a 1300-calories-a-day diet for almost […]

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No Cure for Myopia

Just to be clear, I am no supporter of the supposed “Liberal Agenda”. Democrats and Liberals who still insist on supporting Obama, Pelosi, Reed, and all the other sniveling Democrat cowards, despite the manifestly obvious similarities between their agenda and that of the Bush Crime Family, are no more logical or sane than the Teabag […]

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